Intensity controls the amount of ink which is printed on the page. Auto is recommended. Select Very Heavy to use the most ink. This will significantly darken your printed page. Select Heavy to use more ink. This will darken your printed page. Select Medium to use a normal amount of ink. Select Light to use less ink. This will lighten your printed page. Select Very Light to use the least ink. This will significantly lighten your printed page. Select Auto to automatically choose the best Intensity setting for your document. Color Matching controls the colors used to produce your printed page. Auto is recommended. Select Auto to automatically choose between Text/Graphics or Photographic as required by your document. Select Photographic for documents composed of complex color graphics or scanned images. Select Text/Graphics for documents composed of text, business graphics or charts. Bleed Control minimizes ink bleeding for areas where black and color touch in your document. Auto is recommended. Select Auto to automatically minimize ink bleeding as required by your document. Select Off to turn off Bleed Control. Select On to minimize ink bleeding for areas where black and color touch. Halftoning controls the dot placement to create colors or grayscale shades. Auto is recommended. Select Scatter to place dots of ink in a random distribution to create colors or grayscale shades. Select Pattern to place dots of ink in a geometric pattern to create colors or grayscale shades. Select Auto to automatically choose the best Halftoning method for your document.